We often see adverts saying that there are car insurers that will be able to save us money. It can be tempting to ignore them as it is unlikely they could save everyone money and they might be companies that we have not heard of anyway. However, there is a chance that by switching insurers we could save money. It might seem like too much bother to do this and then there is of course no guarantee that you will still be with a cheap insurer the following year as they always seem to put their prices up. So it could be hard to work out whether it really is…
Is it Worth Getting a Store Card for my Favourite Shop?
You will often find that when you shop in certain places they will try to encourage you to get a store card. This is like a credit card where you can buy things and pay later. Find out what savings can be made Often the shop will give you some additional benefits of having a store card. It might be that you get some money off when you make purchases with it, you get early information about sales, you can attend special evenings or other things. Ask the shop assistant about the benefits of the card before you sign up because it is important to know whether it is worth…